Lomo Anamorphic Zoom 37-140

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Technical Data


Lomo Anamorphic Zoom 37-140

Focal LenghtApertureClose FocusFront DiameterWeight (lbs)FormatMount
37 - 140mmT4.35'2"-3.5S35PL

The Lomo Anamorphic Zoom 37-140 is a front-anamorphic zoom lens that is truly unique in its category. One of the few of its kind ever made, this vintage lens carries an illustrious history from the 1980s, holding its own with a spectacular display of optical prowess and distinct aesthetics.

Unlike most anamorphic zooms, which have rear-attached adapters on a spherical lens, the Lomo Anamorphic Zoom is a front anamorphic lens.

Array of ranges

Our Lomo Anamorphic Zoom 37-140 has undergone extensive mechanical upgrades over the original model, including a custom carry handle and enhanced gears for the focus, iris, and zoom rings. A custom-made 6×6 lightweight matte box is included with the rental, which can accommodate up to three 6×6 filters (non-rotating). Please note, this lens is not compatible with 138mm diopters or Rota filters.

Yes, it is a large lens, but the images it creates are unparalleled. Once this lens is attached to your camera, you may not feel the need to change lenses at all.